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Plan Your Puerto Vallarta Vacation

Stroll the old cobblestone streets for handmade crafts or dive into the warm and calm bay, when you choose an exciting vacation package to Puerto Vallarta.  From the sparkling beaches to the expansive Malecon Boardwalk, this coastal location includes an impressive mix of things to do.  The remote coves and emerald waters of some of Mexico's secret hideaways delight visitors of all ages, from Los Muertos Pier to the large rocks and small pools of Eden.

With a variety of all-inclusive resorts and hotels, you can enjoy the local food, drinks and entertainment all for one convenient price.  Enjoy the sandy beaches, stunning pools and watersports too, included as part of your vacation package.

With easy and convenient flights directly into Puerto Vallarta Airport, this tropical location maintains nearly consistent weather year-round, typically with highs in the 80s and 90s, and rainy from mid summer through mid fall.  Due to the natural bay barrier, ideal Puerto Vallarta is seldom affected by hurricanes.


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